CRA Authorized Representative

Offering tax preparation services for people:

✓ 5 to 10 Years Behind
✓ Self-Employed
✓ With ADHD, Money Trauma and Anxiety



Welcome to my world, where I help transform taxes from a source of overwhelming chaos, shame, and confusion in your everyday life, to a realm of clarity, confidence, and empowerment. For over a decade, I avoided the complexities of freelancing record-keeping and taxes, until I got into serious trouble with the CRA and finally decided to dig myself out of the hole I’d been digging since childhood.

In the weeks after I filed 10 years with the help of a tax professional (the day before the CRA-set deadline), I realized that what was holding me back from the level of success I dreamed about in my tiny creative book publishing & author promotions business was imposter syndrome & fear of success: I was good at my craft (publishing books and making them into bestsellers) and loved to share encouraging insights about it, but as a deeply literal & honest person, I could never be internally settled with not being transparent or upfront with my audience of prospects and clients, knowing I was secretly largely financially illiterate. I had so much shame about my financial situation, I couldn’t be fully honest with anyone, and that was having a deep impact on me and all my relationships.

What became clear to me was that I would never be able to overcome the challenges of successfully growing a business, to achieve financial security and independence, unless I really learned about money in my own life. I thought I’d become a CPA, but instead, I became hyper focused on learning first how to optimize taxes in my life. When I became an independent tax professional (after a season with a big-name tax office), I immediately wanted to focus on helping people who are 5-10 years behind in filing, self-employed and wanting to get setup properly so that tax savings and money management are automated, and anyone with ADHD or anxiety over dealing with the CRA exactly what I had always been looking for.

Now after working with more than 500 clients, my goal is to demystify and simplify taxes for neurodiverse, creative, and self-employed Canadians of all ages.

I especially want to help change how you THINK and FEEL about taxes, so that when you’re working on your own taxes, or talking with others about your taxes, you’re positively conditioning yourself and your family & friends to further embrace the sense of control that comes with truly understanding your taxes.

If you’re ready to catch up or simply level-up your understanding, send me a message here

Ways Tax Fairy Godmother Helps Clients:

Increased personal confidence from adulting well and managing your life and your money

Sleep better at night knowing your taxes are accounted for and your books are in order

✓ Finally begin to move forward with your BIG life plans that will require money to execute

✓ Taxes become less scary and overwhelming, a way for you to manage and save your money better

Get your Free Ebook

21 Tax Tips for Winning Financial Confidence

and Join our mailing list!

21 Tax Tips I’ve learned over the past 3 years, from working with more than 500 clients, and well-over 1500+ filed returns. Once you KNOW these tips you can apply them in everyday life.


✨ Personal T1 Tax Returns
✨ Self-Employed (Sole-Proprietor) T1 Returns
✨ HST Returns
✨ Adjustments to previously filed returns missing info
✨ Voluntary Disclosures Program applications

A tax preparation service based in Canada specializing in helping people: 5 to 10 years behind, self-employed, or who have ADHD, money trauma, and anxiety dealing with CRA.

Canada’s Tax Fairy Godmother operated by Debbie Horovitch is a fully virtual tax office founded & operating from Toronto, Ontario.

How It Works (My Tax Fairy Godmother Process)


Confirm I am suited to help you with
your specific & unique tax situation
* FB Messenger or Email ONLY *
T1 personal & self-employed only


Phone call to collect your personal
tax information & create a game
plan for getting you back on track
financially & in the right with CRA


Sign CRA Authorization forms
T1-AUTH T1013 to allow
Debbie Horovitch to represent you
to the CRA online and on the phone


Only $150 Deposit for Pay
After Refund or 50% to start
* 1-year only & tax consultation
clients pay in advance of call

Tax Preparation

T4 only years can be calculated
immediately (results within 24
hours); others soon after providing
relevant tax & deduction details

Review and Sign

Review your return details &
request necessary adjustments
before signing the finalized
T183 eFile authorization forms

We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.

- Albert Einstein


Tax Fairy Godmother fees in 2023 are still lower than CPAs, accountants, and big-name tax offices.

Fees are set to be fair and accessible for all Tax Fairy Godmother clients:

✨ Lowest fees for years with less than $50k annual employment income, and for people who are multiple years behind in filing tax returns
✨ Higher fees for years with more than $50k annual      employment income, and for self-employed clients/years (to account for more forms and consulting consideration) consideration
✨ Highest fees for one year only clients

Pay After Refund service is available on multi-year client invoices, for those who need to receive money from CRA to be able to fully pay for Tax Fairy Godmother services, for a starting deposit payment of $150. PAR service fee is calculated at 5% of estimated anticipated combined refund & benefits amounts, to a maximum fee of $500 (which would be at $10,000+ anticipated combined refund & benefits), and requires the balance of the invoice to be paid within 48 hours of receiving deposits from CRA.
If a client is anticipated to owe money to the CRA, instead of receiving any, the applicable PAR fees are ZERO, with the invoice due over time or from future CRA payments.
