
CRA authorized representative specializing in helping Canadians who are multiple years behind taxes.

✨ Personal T1 Tax Returns
✨Self-Employed (Sole-Proprietor) T1 Returns
✨ HST Returns
✨ Adjustments to previously filed returns missing info
✨ Voluntary Disclosures Program applications

Canada’s Tax Fairy Godmother operated by Debbie Horovitch is a fully virtual tax office founded & operating from Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

A Tax Preparation Service based in Canada Specializing in Helping People: 5 to 10 Years Behind, Self-Employed, ADHD, Money Trauma, and Anxiety over dealing with CRA

How It Works (My Tax Fairy Godmother Process)


Confirm I am suited to help you with
your specific & unique tax situation
* FB Messenger or Email ONLY *
T1 personal & self-employed only


Phone call to collect your personal
tax information & create a game
plan for getting you back on track
financially & in the right with CRA


Sign CRA Authorization forms
T1-AUTH T1013 to allow
Debbie Horovitch to represent you
to the CRA online and on the phone


Only $150 Deposit for Pay
After Refund or 50% to start
* 1-year only & tax consultation
clients pay in advance of call

Tax Preparation

T4 only years can be calculated
immediately (results within 24
hours); others soon after providing
relevant tax & deduction details

Review and Sign

Review your return details &
request necessary adjustments
before signing the finalized
T183 eFile authorization forms

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

If you have refund amounts from the last 5 years of taxes, and no other amounts due to the CRA or “reviews” on your account, then you are likely to receive your refund amounts from those years within 5-10 business days. 

Payments for Canada Child Benefits, GST Credit, and Trillium Benefits payments from the most recent 5 years are likely to be received in 4-8 weeks. 

Older years refunds and benefits amounts can take up to 6 months to be fully received. 

The most important documents to keep, so that you can be confident IF the CRA ever asks for proof of your deduction claims is the actual T-Slip (Tax Slip issued both by the organization to you and the CRA), or the purchase receipt (either digital or paper copy), or other official documentation of the claims, like your credit card statement or monthly bank statement. 

If you’re claiming TIPS (cash) earned or other cash income, the accepted documentation is a handwritten log  I recommend a small/cheap notebook that you keep on your dresser and use for nothing other than logging your tips. 

If you’re claiming vehicle expenses or meals, you should also be keeping a vehicle or trip log that includes the date, starting point and destination, client/purpose, odometer, and documentation of any reimbursement amounts.

Remember to keep your tax return receipts for 6 years from the date you filed the returns.

If you don’t see the CRA’s request for information (which is likely to be an email message that you have a message from CRA online on MyAccount), or fail to respond in the indicated time frame, or simply don’t have the documentation to provide to satisfy their request, the CRA will recalculate your tax returns based on changing your claims from the amount you filed to $0. 

They will send you a letter informing you that, because you failed to respond to their request for documentation, they have disallowed your claimed deductions and recalculated your returns. If there is an amount owed to them or to you, it will be stated in the letter.

For most “healthy” Canadians in most years, your out of pocket medical expenses (not reimbursed by insurance or other) will not be enough to create an income tax credit in that year – the total amount has to be more than 3% of your net income or $2,400 for the year (whichever is less) to create any credits.

Here is a more comprehensive list of medical expenses that can qualify, based on your province of residence.

Click here for more details

For the most part, the CRA will accept all reasonable business expenses as legitimate tax deductions. You must keep the receipts and documentation for your claimed expenses, and if the expenses are partly also personal expenses, then that adjustment must be reflected in your claims. 

For example, you can claim “Business Use of Home” expenses – the costs of running a business from home, with or without a separate office or operational space – can be claimed relative to the % amount of the claim that is applied to your business use. For rent, utilities, and internet, the % used should be based on the square footage of your space that is dedicated to operating your business. If it’s a shared space such as your dining room table, the amount of hours per week used should also be factored in to reduce the amount of the claim appropriately.

Personal expenses that any worker, employee or contractor would normally have to pay for themselves, such as the cost of transportation to their regular place of employment, the cost of food/meals during working hours, or the cost or personally chosen clothing are rarely accepted business expense claims.

Here is the T2125 worksheet that shows all the various categories of business expenses the CRA normally accepts.

CRA T2125 Form (Click Here)

As long as you are up to date on filing your tax returns, and you are staying in touch with the CRA (so that you’re demonstrating your intention to pay them as soon as you have the money to be able to do so), they will allow you to make payments on your account balance over a long period of time.

The rate of interest on amounts owing to CRA is the Prime interest rate +1%.

The CRA will automatically claim your future refund amounts each year (and possibly some of your benefit amounts) to pay down your account balance.


if you make meaning, you'll make money

- Guy Kawasaki


Tax Fairy Godmother fees in 2023 are still lower than CPAs, accountants, and big-name tax offices.

Fees are set to be fair and accessible for all Tax Fairy Godmother clients:

✨ Lowest fees for years with less than $50k annual      employment income, and for people who are multiple      years behind in filing tax returns
✨ Higher fees for years with more than $50k annual employment income, and for self-employed clients/years (to account for more forms and consulting consideration)
✨ Highest fees for 1 year only clients

Pay After Refund service is available on multi-year client invoices, for those who need to receive money from CRA to be able to fully pay for Tax Fairy Godmother services, for a starting deposit payment of $150. PAR service fee is calculated at 5% of estimated anticipated combined refund & benefits amounts, to a maximum fee of $500 (which would be at $10,000+ anticipated combined refund & benefits), and requires the balance of the invoice to be paid within 48 hours of receiving deposits from CRA.

If a client is anticipated to owe money to the CRA, instead of receiving any, the applicable PAR fees are ZERO, with the invoice due over time or from future CRA payments.

Do something today that your future self will thank you for.


Every effort is made to operate our business, handling your confidential tax information and situation with complete discretion and privacy.

Communication forms accessible exclusively by Debbie Horovitch:

✓  Direct Messaging Debbie Horovitch on Facebook and   LinkedIn (although please do not share detailed personal tax info on social channels)
✓   Clients’-exclusive emails to
✓  DocuSign, documents, and etransfers payments sent to Debbie’s exclusive email
✓  Phone calls with Debbie Horovitch / Tax Fairy Godmother are not recorded

Physical client files & notes are stored in a secure double-locked file storage area accessible only to Debbie Horovitch; digital files shared with clients by private email or DocuSign are stored in online cloud folders accessible exclusively to Debbie Horovitch.

Tax Fairy Godmother branded social media marketing channels, and email addresses, are not private to Debbie exclusively and may be managed by marketing staff other than Debbie Horovitch.

Marketing staff and advisors to Debbie Horovitch are not shared access to any private client files.

21 Tax Tips I’ve learned over the past 3 years, from working with more than 500 clients, and well-over 1500+ filed returns. Once you KNOW these tips you can apply them in your everyday life.

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21 Tax Tips for Winning Financial Confidence

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